Why does every business need a Professional website?

Are you considering getting a website for your business?

That’s a great call… Every business should have a website that is professionally crafted. This, in turn, not only helps you get more leads but also lets your customers connect with you easily and increases your credibility.

Here are 5 reasons WHY?

# 1: Website increases Brand Value of your business

Earlier, people who were looking for various products/services would be unsure about transacting with businesses that did not have a registered telephone number or physical address. As the times have progressed, the customers now look for the business’s online presence. If the company fails to have a professional website, there are a high probability customers might not approach this company for their requirements. In today’s day and age, having a professionally designed website and online presence helps build the brand value of your business.

# 2: Customers and other businesses expect your online presence

The excuse that the majority of companies have for not having a website is that they have a small business or the nature of their business is such that it does not need to be online.

But according to a survey, about 75% of B2B buyers said that website impacts their decisions of purchasing, and about 65% of them finalize the purchase based on the website’s content.

In the survey of 2018, about 80% of people admitted that they make judgments on the company’s credibility based on their websites. And they would put higher trust in the businesses that do have a professional website.


# 3: Website is the best marketing platform to showcase your product and services

One can consider their website as an online billboard, where you can showcase your products and services to the consumers and consumers can look up your business’s offerings. This billboard can attract people, but for people to reach and view your billboard, it largely depends upon the continuous effort of SEO (Search engine optimization), Online Adverting, and blogging.

There are billions of searches being made every day, so it becomes harder to generate traffic on your website. But with the help of Digital Marketing, businesses can improve their rankings and generate leads.

#4: Social media platforms keep on changing but the website remains with you forever

Many companies feel that they don’t need a website because they have their digital presence over various social media platforms.

That is a good start, but, just having a Facebook page or the Instagram page does not suffice. This is because with every update for these social media platforms it’s getting harder to get the organic reach.

While social media is important for the growth of your business but be advised to not use it as the sole marketing channel.

# 5: Know your customers well and engage with them

Websites allow you to connect with 80% more consumers. No matter how small your business is, websites will undoubtedly leverage it and give you better results!!

A majority of customers use the website as a means of engaging with the business. Also, websites help them understand your business and generate trust.

With the help of a website, it’s easy to understand your customers. Website analytics help you to understand where your customers come from, who they are, what they were looking for, how they landed on your webpage, and for how long they stayed on your website.

Websites help you understand the behavior pattern of the website visitors, and give you an understanding of their interests.

Final Takeaway – Invest in the website or you will be left behind

To say the least, every business needs a website to grow as well as increase its credibility.

The website primarily works as your business card or a portfolio, so it has to be crisp and professionally designed. It has also been found that about 45% of people will leave the website because of poor design, navigation, and understanding.

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