Why Does Your Business Need a Custom Video Conferencing Solution?
With the rapid evolvement of technology, the way businesses function now is drastically different from even a few months back. The adaptation pace is even faster due to the effect of the pandemic. Businesses now have realised the true potential and the cost-effectiveness of moving to technology-based tools, as well as online marketing channels rather than traditional methods.
With social distancing and remote working approaches, video conferencing is one such tool that serves as the closest alternative to a face-to-face meeting, communication, constructive discussion, or interviewing process. It gives a real-time experience and is a convenient way of interacting with clients, customers, partners, or employees anytime and at any given location (with internet connectivity).
Video Conferencing is a super versatile tool for B2B, B2C, education, and healthcare sectors. It is not just limited to internal interactions, Webinars have gained a lot of momentum and have proved as a big win for business owners and also those who want to expand their reach nationally and globally.
- 43% of remote and in-house teams use a video conferencing solution
- 86% of companies conduct employee interviews over video call
- 78% of corporate companies use video calling software
- 83% of businesses with over 250 employees are likely to purchase video calling tools
- 27% of small businesses are likely to purchase video calling tools
Sources: Forbes, Gartner, American Hospital Association, Commercial Integrator, Zoom
“Convincing enough! Without a denial, Video Conferencing is the modern move for business interactions.”
Advantages of Video Conferencing for Businesses

- Enhanced Productivity
- Remote Collaboration
- Face-to-face Interactions
- Fresh Approach & Cultural shift
- Confident Interaction
- Minimal Barriers
- Saving time & money
- Safe & secure
- Recording Facility
With these host of advantages, there also comes a few challenges with video conferencing, specifically with tools which are readily available in the market
- Data Security
- Inconsistent Connectivity
- App Limitations & functionality issues
- Hosting on 3rd party servers
- Limited Number of Users
- Lack of Infrastructure Support
- Lack of scheduling
Industries that can have huge benefits with video conferencing software
# 1 - Healthcare
Telemedicine and HD video-conferencing systems enable the doctors to connect with not just local patients but also international patients through video consulting and with their staff easily.
# 2 - Education
With the adoption of tele education, it’s a win-win for teachers, parents and students to move beyond classroom and textbook based studies and explore interactive ways.
# 3 - Banking and Finance
These services are totally based on one-to-one interactions and building trusts, and through video conferencing, connecting with clients, investors and other members across different locations is simplified.
# 4 - Global business and technology
Video conferencing has drastically cut all the travel times and costs when it comes to global collaborations, international meetings and communications.
# 5 - Legal professionals
Legal activities such as interacting with clients, witnesses, attorney meetings, preparation of documents, case discussions are much easier with the help of video conferencing in the comfort of their own homes.
The Bottom Line
While many organisations are using the tools available in the market, there are issues that are unavoidable. For businesses, customisation is the key to better video conferencing solutions that give them better experience within their budgets.
Want to stay ahead of your competition and build your own video conferencing software? – We can help you with end-to-end personalisation and at a cost, you cannot imagine.
Why choose something that everyone is using when you can have a fully safe and trusted software, which is built to your unique needs, represents your brand logo, colours and has all the features that you want to implement for your organization in no time.
What are you waiting for?
It’s time to Level Up with the current technology, get Custom Video Conferencing Software for your Organisation today!
Schedule a Consultation with us to know more!